지식쌓기 fastlane 바나나쥬스 2021. 7. 8. 10:30 https://dev-yakuza.posstree.com/ko/react-native/fastlane/ Fastlane을 통한 앱 자동 배포 Fastlane을 사용해서 React native로 만든 앱을 자동으로 배포해 보자 dev-yakuza.posstree.com https://docs.fastlane.tools/getting-started/android/setup/ Setup - fastlane docs Getting started with fastlane for Android Installing fastlane fastlane can be installed multiple ways. The preferred method is with Bundler. fastlane can also be installed directly through with Homebrew (if on macOS). It is possible to use macOS's system R docs.fastlane.tools